GAEH Membership

Working to end homelessness through collective education, connection, and action

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Join us in our fight to end homelessness in Georgia once and for all.


2025 Membership Registration is here!

We appreciate your concern for our Georgia neighbors experiencing house insecurity, and hope that this site is a valuable resource for information on homeless issues. We offer accurate and up-to-date information based on thirty years of experience and close relationships with hundreds of organizations state wide.

Shelters in Georgia can currently house only ~50% of the state's homeless individuals and families. As long as there is a shortage of jobs and affordable housing, there will be homelessness - but there is undeniable hope for a brighter future.

We invite you to consider membership in the Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness, because homelessness is far more complex than an individual's choices. A membership grants you invaluable networking opportunities and guidance to confidently navigate the necessities of your organization so you can stay focused on your passion. Join your knowledge and efforts with hundreds of other organizations.

Thank you for joining our mission! Please forward any questions or concerns to

Become A Member

Events & Training Discounts

Reduced registration fees for the GEORGIA ALLIANCE TO END HOMELESSNESS CONFERENCE 2024, trainings, and workshops

Advocacy & Thought Leadership

Advocacy education and step-by-step guides regarding government advocacy at the local, state, and national levels

Networking & Community

Networking and association opportunities with hundreds of other state and local groups working on similar issues

Program Development

Input on GAEH new program development and priority access to items donated by the community to Georgia Alliance

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