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Food Security

For Many Georgians, both homeless and housed, not having enough healthy and nutritious food to eat is painfully common.  Many must resort to using emergency food resources such as soup kitchens, food pantries and food banks or even begging or scavenging for food. Although these food resources can maintain a minimum caloric intake to sustain life […]


One-quarter of the homeless population are veterans. Veterans often become homeless as they face challenges in re-adjusting to civilian life. Post-traumatic stress and other mental and emotional conditions are common in veterans returning from combat, but many are not identified and treated. The inability to cope with these conditions, coupled with the difficulties in re-assimilation, […]

Prison ReEntry

Each year, nearly 650,000 people are released from U.S. prisons, and over seven million are released from jails. People exiting prisoner or jails are at increased risk for homelessness. More than 10 percent of those coming in and out of prisons and jail are homeless in the months before their incarceration. Shelter use, both before […]

Mental Health

Homeless people suffer from high rates of mental health problems exacerbated by living on the streets and in shelters. The lack of residential stability makes care delivery more complicated. Approximately half of homeless people suffer from mental health issues. At a given point in time, 45 percent of homeless report indicators of mental health problems […]


Most Americans underestimate how the problem of homelessness affects families. About 600,000 families and 1.35 million children experience homelessness in the United States. Family homelessness is more widespread than many think, but it is not an unsolvable problem. Across the country, hundreds of communities are planning to end homelessness, and a handful of communities and […]

Chronic Homelessness

Chronic homelessness is long-term or repeated homelessness accompanied by a disability. Many chronically homeless people have a serious mental illness like schizophrenia and/or alcohol or drug addiction. Most chronically homeless individuals have been in treatment programs, sometimes on dozens of occasions. The federal government’s definition of chronic homelessness includes homeless individuals with a disabling condition […]